My first intro to film in school was during a film analysis class, although technically, it was classified as a viewpoint class. The teacher was rather pompous and made a huge offer out of going over how to actively view a film. No speaking was enabled, and we were to keep in mind while viewing. He was a little like the Film Nazi. We went over movie theory and the power of the director in the making of a film at fantastic length.

Use your sharp utility knife in addition to your straight edge placed beside the edge of the window to trim the movie. Leave a 1/16" border in between the edge of the movie and the window.
Some websites you could upload to are: YouTube, Google film, Yahoo Video, Guba and of course your own website. There are others, so do some research to which is the best suitable for you.
The emulsified silver is checked for pH balance and certain products are added to the water to more extract the silver from it. Eventually all of the silver is taken out of the water and dispatched to have the impurities removed from it.
After wetting the window, pull the support off of the static stick window movie. If you're film is small in size, then you can entirely remove it from the backing. Nevertheless, for big prints, it is recommended that you peel the leading portion off and gradually remove it as you set up the window movie.
If you are establishing colour slide movie you can cross process it. Cross processing is establishing colour slide movie as though it were a negative. This considerably increases contrast and depending upon the brand of movie used will lead to a specific colour cast.Most laboratories won't cross process films because it ruins their chemistry - or so they declare.
If your movie remains in the horror-genre, then go for something a bit edgy and strange, instead of an in-your-face close up of a bloody figure. The images need to cinematography tease and recommend instead of offer the entire plot away.
Movie financiers will ride your ass unlike friend or family when it concerns when the movie will be done, sold and their cash paid. Do not get shaken or take it personally. Business world is not warm and fuzzy filled with hugs and kisses.